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Business and Culture Design Article

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Sagmeister, S. (2018). Business Culture Design (englische Ausgabe): Develop Your Corporate Culture with the Culture Map. Campus Verlag.. The business culture article is simply an article that talks about all the issues to do with culture and business. The purpose of this article is mainly to give knowledge to all the entrepreneurs in anything to do with business and culture. The way these article will be used in the next assignment is by using it to give the true definition and what is entailed in business and culture.

Leikas, T. (2019). A globally active logistics business. Steel Times International43(4), 114-115. A globally active logistics is an article that talks on how to keep a business active globally. The purpose of the article was mainly used in conducting research on business globally. Since the company is thinking of open a business globally then this article will help in providing information on what is good and what is not good in international business. Country Comparison – Hofstede Insights. Hofstede Insights. (2021). Retrieved 7 July 2021,,the-usa/. This is not really an article but a tool that is used in comparing countries in terms of culture. This usually helps in comparing countries in terms of power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long term orientation and indulgence. This will be used in comparing the country of choice with the United States.

Nowak, R. (2020). Does employee understanding of strategic objectives matter? Effects on culture and performance. Journal of Strategy and Management. This article talks on the effects of culture on the performance of a business together with the employees. Starting a business in another country means that most of the employees will be from that country. This article will be used to determine the effects of culture on business.  

Ibrahimaj, M. (2018). Cultural barriers for managers of multinational companies: Case Exin Group Ltd. This article talks about companies, cultural values and success. This is mostly for the global businesses since it guides people on the cultural values of every country. This will be used in researching on the business or rather cultural values of the country that the business is planning to start a business there.

Minkov, M., & Kaasa, A. (2020). A test of Hofstede's model of culture following his own approach. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management. This article talks about the hofstede’s model of culture. It importance is that it teaches on how to use the hofstede’s model of culture. This article will be used in showing the company on how effective this tool is.

Rojo, J., Everett, B., Ramjan, L. M., Hunt, L., & Salamonson, Y. (2020). Hofstede's cultural dimensions as the explanatory framework for performance issues during clinical placement: A mixed methods study. Nurse education today, 94, and 104581. This article is basically a framework of the hofstede’s tool. The main purpose of this article is to provide a framework and every single detail about the hofstede’s tool. This will be used in giving definition on what hofstede’s model of culture is.

Beugelsdijk, S., & Welzel, C. (2018). Dimensions and dynamics of national culture: Synthesizing Hofstede with Inglehart. Journal of cross-cultural psychology49(10), 1469-1505. This article is about culture difference across space. The main purpose of this article was to do the cross-national research on cultural difference globally. This article will be helpful in coming up with the different cultural dimensions around the world so that the business of the organization or rather the company will be a successful one.


Sagmeister, S. (2018). Business Culture Design (englische Ausgabe): Develop Your Corporate Culture with the Culture Map. Campus Verlag.

Leikas, T. (2019). A globally active logistics business. Steel Times International43(4), 114-115.

Country Comparison – Hofstede Insights. Hofstede Insights. (2021). Retrieved 7 July 2021,,the-usa/

Nowak, R. (2020). Does employee understanding of strategic objectives matter? Effects on culture and performance. Journal of Strategy and Management.

Ibrahimaj, M. (2018). Cultural barriers for managers of multinational companies: Case Exin Group Ltd.

Minkov, M., & Kaasa, A. (2020). A test of Hofstede's model of culture following his own approach. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management.

Rojo, J., Everett, B., Ramjan, L. M., Hunt, L., & Salamonson, Y. (2020). Hofstede's cultural dimensions as the explanatory framework for performance issues during clinical placement: A mixed methods study. Nurse education today, 94, and 104581.

Beugelsdijk, S., & Welzel, C. (2018). Dimensions and dynamics of national culture: Synthesizing Hofstede with Inglehart. Journal of cross-cultural psychology49(10), 1469-1505.

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