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Bioethics Justice and the Law ATS1264 Assignment

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Bioethics Justice and the Law ATS1264 Assignment

Write an 1800 word essay in response to one of the following:
1. Critically discuss the advantages and disadvantages (whether actual or potential) of
genome editing, and whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
2. Critically discuss arguments for and against genetic testing. Which argument is the most
compelling and why?
3. Is free will an illusion? If so, explain why it is and whether we need to rethink our
understanding of autonomy and responsibility because of this? If it is not an illusion then
discuss why research suggesting that it is (e.g., Libet et al.) is wrong.

Essay question:
Critically discuss the advantages and disadvantages (whether actual or potential of genome
editing, and whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Word Limit
1800 words (+10% so 1980 words)
– Genome Editing – Medical Treatment or Glorified Eugenics? How Eugenics is
Reimagined in the 21st Century
– Not to aim for the erasure of these disabilities, but for broader acceptance of
disabilities within society. Instead focus attention on treating these disabilities
Genome editing may collapse into conversations centring around ableism and
– May exacerbate existing prejudices within society. Each country may have different
views on what is considered a “disability” or undesirable trait
Homophobia – what if
Homosexuality was considered a mental health condition in the 60’s
(?). People were institutionalised in mental health hospitals for being
Gay people still facing discrimination in
Sexism – one child policy in China
Lookism – deciding to edit human features to fit a certain aesthetic
– Altering the human identity and disrupting uniqueness of the individual.
The human genome makes us what who we are
What is the effect of changing something that fundamentally defines
– Disregarding the personhood of the future child
What are the implications of monetizing human life

Main contention: the disadvantages of genome editing outweigh the disadvantages
– The debate surrounding the morality of editing the human genome is complex.
Though arguments for both the acceptance and rejection of the practice have validity,
it is important be mindful when discussing something that involves irreversibly
changing something that is fundamental to the human identity – our DNA.

Rather than aiming to erase certain disabilities (such as deafness, autism,
down syndrome), advocate for broader acceptance/more social inclusion of
these people. Provide services that make their quality of life better.
However, POSSIBLY consider genome editing for people with severe
disabilities that mean that they will die at a young age/ after birth
A more ethical approach, because it is more passive and does not
involve the removal of genes, but rather the selection of gametes that
do not confer risk for that disease.
Allowing the world to edit human genomes plunges society into an unknown

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