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Action Learning And Systematic Training Model

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Question 1

What is action learning? Discuss the benefits and challenges of the action learning approach.

Action Learning

This is the process whereby a small assembly of individuals comes together and works on real difficulties, take action and in the progression learn as persons and as a group. Action learning is very essential in making sure that an organization develops creative, flexible and successful strategies to pressing problems. It finds solutions and develops leaders at the same time owing to its simplified rules, which force participants to critically think and work in collaboration. It is instrumental in solving problems which is complex and that may appear unsolvable.

In action learning, we have a coach who assists the participants in reflecting on the advancement of the group as opposed to problem solving (Zuber-Skerritt, 2018). By doing this the group members become effective leaders in their course of solving the very complex problems. The mechanisms of action learning include; the coach, the problem, the group, inquiries, action and erudition  (Zuber‐Skenitt, 2016).

It involves insightful questioning as well as reflective listening. It tackles issues through a process which begins with asking questions in order to understand the exact nature of the issue at hand, then shimmering and then coming up with conceivable resolutions and then eventually taking actions (Cho & Marshall Egan, 2016). By asking questions, the group’s dialogue and cohesiveness is developed and natured and this in turn leads to generation of innovative and system thinking thus enhancing learning results (Kember, 2015).

Benefits of Action Learning

Action learning helps in progression planning by developing a group of highly competent individuals who are ready to serve at executive levels.

It enables the learners to develop effective, mutually respectful working relations among themselves at all levels of organizations (Raelin, 2017).

Action learning inculcates in learners a cognizance of how their implied conventions, philosophies, attitudes, inclinations and interests of an organization influence their thinking, decision-making and their actions (Cherry & Bowden, 2015).

Action learning increase competence in coming up with and presenting suggestions in regards to urgent organizational issues to the top management

It also grows learners’ self-assurance in their headship and contribution prowess.

The process develops competence within personalities and teams in regards to problem solving process and making decisions (Cho & Marshall Egan, 2016).

Challenges of Action Learning

For the action learning to be effective, one must organize multiple ongoing learning events. This could be a very weary process and time consuming.

Strict adherence to action set in following the action education guidelines is required and any deviation from this would lead to an unproductive group and fiasco to take action (Cho & Marshall Egan, 2016).

When there is a lot of enthusiasm to finish the task rather than also focusing on reflective learning process, the process might fail to achieve the intended purpose.

In teams where one function or one individual dictates the group, in this group there may be little or even no innovation (Cho & Marshall Egan, 2016).

As similar to the implementation of a new progression in an organization,, the action of learning may experience resistance from all aspects. The resistance may come from the learning community or the leadership department among others (Cho & Marshall Egan, 2016). The resistance may occur because the introduction of action learning methodology may disorient the way learning has been happening in an organization (Cho & Marshall Egan, 2016).

The learning coach is a primary. The trainer can be a major factor in deciding on the direction of the learning progression. It is not easy to get such a trainer on permanent basis and the only option that institutions have is to hire part time external facilitators (Cherry & Bowden, 2015).

Summary on Action Learning

The main harnessing power of action learning is the discipline level and the level of engagement shown by participants in the Action Learning process (Cherry & Bowden, 2015).

Question 2

Outline the systematic training cycle. Critique the model and explain how it can be applied by organizations.

Systematic Training Cycle Model

This formal training model comprises of four phases namely the scrutiny segment, the design segment, the execution stage and the appraisal stage. It stresses that training is a unceasing procedure, a circle for that matter, whereby the end leads back to the starting point, rather than one rectilinear and disjointed event with a definite starting and ending point (Cho & Marshall Egan, 2016).

The first phase is the documentation and the analysis of training niche within an institution and thereafter designing the program for the training. The training program is executed in phase three and then phase four provides an opportunity to evaluate it (Kember, 2015).

This model is designed to make sure that participants are equipped with the necessary skills that would make an institution achieve its goals. At the analysis stage, supervisors are required to give an overview of the performance of the employees and this would be used by trainers to give their views on whether the employees lack the necessary training or are just negligent (Cho & Marshall Egan, 2016). This information is used by trainers to design learning objectives and the outcome in the design stage

The implementation phase is where the actual learning takes place. The learners are equipped with new skills. At every stage, there is an evaluation to test the knowledge and skills that then learners have acquired (Cho & Marshall Egan, 2016).

Critics of the systematic training cycle model

The systematic training cycle model focuses much on equipping the learners with skills that may not necessarily advance an organization’s goals.

For most people, the business and the training cycle have proven to be more efficient as it is based on some organizations’ strategies as compared to the systematic training cycle model (Cherry & Bowden, 2015).

How systematic training cycle can be applied by organizations

Organizations can implement the model by coming up with excellent delivery skills, whether the training is carried out virtually or via classroom. During the training, it is good to read learners to assess whether their needs are being met (Cho & Marshall Egan, 2016). To make it work, a trainer with excellent platform experience and good facilitation skills is required.


Cherry, N., & Bowden, N. G. (2015). Action research: A pathway to action, knowledge and learning. Action Research: A Pathway to Action, Knowledge and Learning, 76(5), 143-154.

Cho, Y., & Marshall Egan, T. (2016). Action learning research: A systematic review and conceptual framework. Human Resource Development Review, 8(4), 431-462.

Kember, D. (2015). Action learning and action research: Improving the quality of teaching and learning. London: Psychology Press.

Raelin, J. (2017). Does action learning promote collaborative leadership? Academy of Management Learning & Education, 5(2), 152-168.

Zuber‐Skenitt, O. (2016). Improving learning and teaching through action learning and action research. Higher education research and development, 12(1), 45-58.

Zuber-Skerritt, O. (2018). Action learning and action research: paradigm, praxis and programs. Effective change management through action research and action learning. Concepts, perspectives, processes and applications, 20(4), 132-154.

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